Thursday, March 12, 2009



The topics of this blog will be varied and far reaching because of the enormous changes that our country has been facing, not only over the last 50 years in general, but especially in the current administration. So I thought a good starting point would be to discuss what might be meant by REVOLUTION:

1) (Politics) A fundamental change in political organization, or in a government
or constitution; the overthrow or renunciation of one government, and the
substitution of another, by the governed.

This first definition is the one folks commonly think of when they see the word linked with America. It reminds us that without the will of brave Americans 200+ years ago we might still be subject to the rule of a King instead of a representative Republic.

Most definitions also include the words “by force” to the above definition. I truly hope the new revolution that we speak of here won't come to that, but I don't rule it out. Don't be shocked. That is how it should be. There should always be that option, and our forefathers encouraged that option. Hence, the right to bear arms.

Recently, we have been experiencing in an acute way another common definition of revolution:

2) A total or radical change; as, a revolution in one's circumstances or way
of living.

Many will automatically think of the economy. Rightly so! According to Yahoo Finance on their Dow Jones Industrial page, as of March 12 the Dow has lost approximately 4613 points since June 1, 2008. That reality along with the rash of foreclosures, bank failures, job losses, and astronomical bailouts from our government would definitely qualify as “a total or radical change…in circumstances or way of living”

While my family is also experiencing these harsh economic realities I am MORE concerned about the social and ideological changes that our nation faces. Abortion, euthanasia, gay “marriage”, atheist ‘rights’, socialized healthcare reform, gun control, ‘fairness’ doctrine, world government, usurping of parental rights, rampant pornography, the demise of the nuclear family, stripping of religious freedoms, illegal immigration and much more!

We must return to our national roots. So I hope it won't come to literal *blows*… but we can't rule it out. For now I settle with this aspect of the definition of revolution:

3) Return to a point before occupied, or to a point relatively the same; a rolling back; return; as, revolution in an ellipse or spiral.

If you agree that we need a REVOLUTION then subscribe to or bookmark this blog and join us!

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