Dodd and others benefited royally from AIG contributions over the years and this may have been payback. This is the likely explanation. It may also have been done in the name of trying to keep some halfway qualified individuals at the wheel at AIG. There may be a third possibility, though it may be too clever by half to have been conceived by the keystone cops running the White House. What about the possibility that AIG was set up as a convenient strawman for populist rage? Knowing that the President's sprint left through his Fulda Gap would rouse the opposition; a number of diversions would be needed to keep the eyes of the public and opposition party off, or uncertain of, the real mission. Innumerable distractions would be needed to create the chaotic environment necessary to gain the acquiescence of citizens to solutions which mandated toleration of the horror of building trillion dollar deficits in the first weeks of office. While some adult Democrats, like Ben Nelson are just beginning to question the budget math behind this socialist agenda, 85 Republican House jesters including Minority Whip Cantor, joined in this Kabuki for the absurd production.
Years of indoctrination by socialists at the public school and University level have negated the evidence which demonstrates the abject failure of socialism and have made it impossible for a large number of Americans to thoughtfully analyze the lessons of history.
The Department of Education, the National Education Association and other teacher union associated organizations have big plans. All hands prepare for a Crazy Ivan turn portside.
If you like the selection of appetizers, next on the menu at the table of hope is resting control of the energy sector from private industry. For those who couldn’t hear above the din of “hope and change” in the week before the election, Candidate Obama told us, in comments that were recorded by the San Francisco Chronicle nearly a year earlier but which were only released a few days before the election, that we should expect electricity and other energy bills to rise."Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket...because I'm capping greenhouse gases, coal power plants, natural gas -- you name it, whatever the industry was, they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money they will pass that money on to consumers." Cap and trade, if it passes, will hamstring current energy industries, , make them unaffordable for Americans, bankrupt those industries and leave state run alternative energy options as the only option. The smart meters the President told us about last week are less about assisting you in optimizing energy use in your home and more about the government being able to optimize how best you use energy in your home.
Health care is a favorite on the Obama prix fixe menu. Democratic leaders are committed to a national health plan which will follow the course of all other such national systems. All points lead to rationing, restriction, and limitation under the watchful of eye of the same Congressional specialists that brought us the mortgage crisis. Those European nations that have not been successful in fully sanitizing the citizenry's free market memory are scrambling to re-introduce private enterprise solutions in efforts to resuscitate their failing health care systems. The costs of rationing are not merely inconvenience. Utilitarian methods will be part of the armamentarium employed to assist in rationing health care costs. This is standard operating procedure in the
What we are witnessing is nothing less than the march of a socialist blitzkrieg host whose only orders are to take no quarter and advance.
The government, including some sellout and cowardly Republicans, is absolutely responsible for the mess we now find ourselves in. First the Community Reinvestment Act which provided the opening to loosen lending strings and laid the groundwork for the mortgage crisis. Then the Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act of 1992 which began cutting the strings of sound banking practice. Finally, the corrupt growth of Fannie and Freddie provided the perceived financial backstop lenders would need in disregarding common sense reasonable lending practice. Fannie and Freddie had full support and backing, and received all the authorization necessary to become the base for this unsustainable Ponzi scheme, from Congress. The leaders of the charge for massive government intrusion into the housing market in Congress were none other than Chris Dodd and Barney Frank.
Politicians, mainly Democrats, in the early 1990s, determined that home ownership was the latest inherent human right overlooked by the Founders, joining amongst others the "right to reproductive freedom" and the "right to redefine marriage." Trumpeting home ownership became the battle cry of Andrew Cuomo (then at HUD, now the AG of NY chasing down all the evil AIG bonus recipients) and Bill Clinton in the 90's, supported by the watchful eye of bank inspectors, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Attorney General Janet Reno.
Banks and financial houses profited from this mess, yes. Some eagerly jumped on the mortgage party bandwagon, abused it, and deserve prison time. Countrywide is a great example of just such an organization. Countrywide was run by Angelo Mozilo. Some may remember who Angelo numbered among his friends and preferred clients? Yes, the senior architect of the subprime crisis, Senator Chris Dodd! Dodd received a $75,000 reduction in mortgage payments through the "Friends of Angelo" program at Countrywide. Dodd still refuses to release all records related to that transaction and Dodd still sanctimoniously calls for the hides of banking executives.
These banks and institutions, against the better judgment of many, were told to make these loans or else face scrutiny and suits from DOJ, bank inspectors and a variety of "community organization" groups. They were told not to worry about the loans defaulting, Freddie and Fannie were the backstop. The chronology is well documented at American Thinker. The bubble continuously expanded, burst and the rest is history; lots of people in homes they never should have purchased, bad loan paper everywhere, and financial mayhem.
The government has failed the nation miserably as it inserted itself into the housing market over the last 20 years. Yet the same leaders who got us into this mess are not only not held accountable, they are supervising the resuscitation of the patient and all they can prescribe is the same snake oil they have fed the citizenry for 20 years. More government intervention. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
We are all on the fast track to become wards of the state. In the next budget year it is likely that a minority of citizens will be paying taxes. So we ask why would we willingly allow this to happen? Why would we allow ourselves to go from the most productive nation on earth, and the greatest guarantor of freedom around the world, to a junior partner in the collapsing nations of the Western world socialist union club?
Freedom is not free and while not lost yet, it is ours to lose. The greatest challenge is awakening an increasingly disinterested, self-absorbed populace with an attention span measured in seconds. We are witnessing the greatest transfer of wealth from the private sector to the government in the history of man. The President wrote in the Chicago Tribune last week, “I also know that we need not choose between a chaotic and unforgiving capitalism and an oppressive government-run economy. That is a false choice that will not serve our people or any people.” Mark Steyn replies, "Really? For the moment, it’s a 'false choice' mainly in the sense that he’s not offering it: 'a chaotic and unforgiving capitalism' is not on the menu, which leaves 'an oppressive government-run economy' as pretty much the only game in town. How oppressive is yet to be determined." Those who that say we have all already been victims of unforgiving capitalism review the previous synopsis of Fannie, Freddie and the unindicted arsonists Frank, Dodd and others.
From GK Chesterton, "The chief feature of our time is the meekness of the mob and the madness of government." So where to from here? D-Day is Election Day 2010, but those of us who are concerned with the survival of liberty have our work cut out for us. Conservative citizens should consider five actions:
1. Innumerable issues are under consideration now which will enormously impact the direction of our country. Conservative voices need to be heard by political leaders at the local, state and federal level. For those who have never called or visited a legislator's office, get to it. Email is convenient, but means little. We are still in the main guaranteed free speech, unless you work in a government agency or on a university campus, so use it.2. Consider making campaign contributions, $10 or $25, to individual candidates committed to personal liberty and American exceptionalism. Do not contribute to general Republican Committees (the RNC, or the National Republican Senatorial Committee for example) until they hold phony Republicans accountable. Never forget that three Republican Senators, Collins (Me) Spector (Pa), and Snowe (Me), are responsible for the passage of the porculus "stimulus" package which we desperately needed, but waited five days for the President's signature in a staged Denver venue.
Candidates worthy of your support may not be in your district. You are free to support them, however. Examples include LTC Allen West running for Congress in
As conservatives it is our responsibility to be informed and understand where Republicans in name only serve and support conservative Republican challengers. The list of so called Republicans who need to either be defeated, or join the party which best represents their views, is lengthy. Identifying these individuals and other key political races local and nationally is labor intensive work. Mainstream media will not give any attention to such candidates and has become an organ of the Democratic political machine. The good news is that others in the new media of the blogosphere are committed to this purpose. Blogs such as Hugh Hewitt's and Michelle Malkin's are some of the increasing number of conservative political sites providing insights on candidates for key political seats at all levels.
3. Regarding voting, do it.Voting is a privilege shared by few other citizens of the world.We all need to exercise our right to vote.In addition consider volunteering as a poll watcher and support get out the vote efforts
4. References to supporting the Republican Party may not be well received by many who have given up hope on the GOP, but it is our current best chance to loyally oppose the Democratic Party's reckless lurch to socialism. Consider this time as an opportunity to remake the Republican Party. We have established that a nuanced, Republican lite non-ideology does not work. Ask Senator McCain. The Libertarian route has repeatedly proven to be a non-starter and recipe for, more often than not, Democratic success.
A return to traditional conservative principles of individual responsibility, limited but effective government, reduced taxation, strong national defense, energy independence and the stimulus of a new energy industry (oil drilling, nuclear power plant construction, clean coal and continued pursuit of alternative energy sources), appreciation of the right to life (for the unborn, for the aged), a responsible immigration policy, and a willingness to tolerate the Judeo-Christian Enlightenment tradition which has been the source of this nation's prosperity.
Many Republican Party organizations will need our assistance in the quest to rediscover their role as a party of loyal opposition committed to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This includes not only supporting proper candidates but reviewing current primary voting procedures which may have allowed, in many states and perhaps nationally, Democrats to have a greater influence on Republican nominees than Republicans.
Will we awaken from our self induced slumber and realize that the dream of individual liberty may have been just that, a short lived romp through a mesmerizing garden that required maintenance and upkeep we were unwilling to support? It seems we have beome a nation of Chance the Gardeners. Are we capable of recognizing that we are beginning a long day's journey into night? This journey is being expedited and its path obscured by the daily reaffirmation from leaders that chaos reigns and government must act now to save our nation. Our government retains all the superficial trappings of the vital republic it once was, but the advance of tyranny in premeditated fashion destroys the vital core that has made our nation great.
The words of the great American patriots, unknown to many Americans today, ring as true today as in 1776. From Thomas Paine, "These are the times that try men's souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it Now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph."
Quaere verum
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