I thought I would use the bulk of my blog this week to highlight something someone else wrote. It ties in with my last blog and goes with a continued theme I am hearing more and more from those of faith. There is a retired Catholic priest in my family that is the epitome of the righteous priest. He has lived a life of poverty and has served his community without self regard. In a conversation a few years ago, he alluded that we were coming up to a time of great changes in what our faith truly is. I have heard another prominent priest say that within the next 10 years, we may see Our Lord’s wrath. Another has said that our fate has been sealed by voting in Obama as our president. My parish priest has said (privately) that we should be prepared for something soon. All of these have come on the heels of our newly elected president. The third Fatima prophesy is thought to have not ever been truly revealed. Malachy, a 12th century Irish bishop, had revelation of the lineage of the Popes and by his recollection, we have only 2 more left. There are others that theorize what the Mayans meant by their 2012 prophesy. All of these culminate to the same direction. SOMETHING is coming. Those with deep faith and understanding in Jesus Christ have an idea.
Too many of us have our heads in the sand and shrug off the plain signs before us. If it looks, waddles and quack like a duck, guess what? It’s a duck! With all of the new policies Obama is putting forth, how much harder do you need to be hit over the head to understand what is happening? The democrats are setting us up for the coming of their messiah (please not to be confused by my Messiah, Jesus Christ) by enslaving the American people. When that fully happens, America will see that all they have left is Faith. Just as our Christian brothers and sisters did in Soviet Russia, Commie China, under Saddam’s Iraq, Palestine, various African nations and a host of other countries through out the world. It is coming. He is coming. To use a line I have heard some of our protestant brothers use, “You better have yourself right with Jesus.”
The following is an email that was sent out. It sums it up better than I could, hence why I have included it:
Within the passed few years, I’ve been hearing a call which I was unfamiliar with. Not that the call was new, but is one that the world in large part has been suppressing. Now I am finding myself bombarded with this warning regularly; and I feel compelled to share it. so that all may either consider this for the first time or recognize that you, too, have been receiving this message.
I am not a prophet nor a theologian, so I offer own my simplistic understanding and childlike trust. Many whom I believe to be credible are speaking about the coming tribulations. While no man can claim knowledge of the day and hour, a few are actually speaking in terms of years. I’ve heard it twice stated that within the next 10 years a major event or correction will take place or begin. I, myself, have felt an urgent sense to prepare.
Some might call me naïve or over reactionary, but it doesn’t matter. Judge me personally, however you choose, but please do not ignore the message that I am attempting to share with you. One need only to look around to realize that the current times are troubling and I realize that many people are anxious. While I won’t deny my underlying anxiety which is the result of my weakness, I see this time as a gift.
From the time of Christ and His apostles, we have been called to preparedness. At first, when the return did not come, scoffers began to introduce us to doubt. Now 2000 years later vanity, impatience, and ignorance have obscured the words that were given to us. We prepare for nothing, but waste our time and energy filling up our days with selfish gain and material possessions. Adam and Eve were punished with pain and hard labor. We seek to find our way around this punishment, but we may have missed the point of God’s decree. Jesus did not deny the cross of daily life as the poor Son of a carpenter. I think that I need to reflect on His daily toils, so that I may follow Him instead of whining and whimpering when I am faced with the struggles and challenges of my vocation.
The sweat and discomfort of today are a gift that are meant to strip away my weakness and forge my strength. The sense of urgency I feel seems to be a very real need to teach myself and my children to become more self-reliant. Actually, we need to be dependent on Him by stripping away our dependence on the convoluted things and people of this earthly home. When I pray for my daily bread, I must trust in His goodness to provide it and accept the amount and means by which He gives it to me. As for my children, I must teach them that all of the glory and thanksgiving belong to their Lord and Savior, who loves them beyond measure. I must teach them that they have a purpose and help them to prayerfully discern their vocations. Realizing that I am full of sin, I beg my Blessed Mother to protect them and form them to be her soldiers for Christ Jesus .
Allow your ears to be open. Let the scales fall away from your eyes. John Paul II instructed us to be not afraid. Surely, we can see that this instruction wasn’t simply a message meant for t-shirts and bumper stickers, but to be burned into our hearts and minds. There are signs and messages all around us. We cannot escape the troubles ahead, but we can heed this warning and recognize that it is a blessing.
God, Who is Mercy and Justice, promised to return. He instructed us in the Way so that we may have eternal life. His ways are far above our own and they are for our good. Rather than write about countless examples, I think it better to encourage you to be alert and rediscover for yourself what is true. Read your bible, read your catechism and believe what is written. We are being called to prepare TODAY. The call is not new, but perhaps we might see it as a renewed gift. Perhaps, in passed years we were placated with the belief that time was on our side, but today we are being reminded that the time is coming like a thief in the night. We can repent, we can pray for mercy, we are being giving another chance to prepare.
God will show mercy to the righteous and justice to those that choose to remain in their sin. Be not afraid because you already know that in the end Jesus Christ is victor, but do not do nothing. You were made by Him, for Him, proclaim that truth to all in everything you say and, perhaps more importantly, do. We will be persecuted for this. Do not doubt that fact, but do not let the persecutions distract nor deter you. Pray for those who are persecuted, so that they might be strengthened. Pray for our Holy Father because His persecutions have begun. Pray for the priests and bishops.
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His Truth and His Will to you today. For me today, I was led to read 2Peter 2 & 3. Again, I am not claiming any glory nor acclaim for myself in sharing this message. I am nothing, but I feel prompted to write these words perhaps for someone’s benefit. Go beyond me and find the Truth as it is being made evident to the world today. Prepare the way for the One, Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
All glory and honor be Your’s, Christ Jesus. Let not me nor mine be lost, but given to Thee through the hands of the Immaculate.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us.
Our Lady of Good Counsel, pray for us.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.
Mother of the Word, pray for us.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
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