Saturday, July 18, 2009

Say Anything...Its Now or Never

According to our President, it is now or never for healthcare reform. Familiar message? “Now or never” for the nation-saving prokulus stimulus bill. “Now or never” for the auto industry. Now or never for the finance industry. Now or never for reduction of CO2 emissions and saving our planet from global warming. Anyone notice a record low “high” of 64 in Wisconsin Friday? Thank goodness Hillary apologized to the world yesterday for America's role in "climate change." Now it is “now or never” for healthcare.

The government already owns 50% of health care in Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare (the military health system) and the Veterans Administration. The portion of healthcare that Fed and state administrators operate is insolvent and headed to bankruptcy. The portion not owned by the statists is used to cover the losses hospitals, practices and health plans suffer at the hands of government bureaucrats. Government masters have refined the art of waging an administrative and pricing war while demanding that healthcare subsidize the health costs for 15 million illegal aliens here as a result of another failed government failure, the lack of enforcement of standing immigration law.

Now the Obama administration wants the whole medical enchilada...and they want it now. Those who say this requires a broad, detailed discussion and analysis are demonized by the President. This is a favortie tactic of the Obamamafia, rolled out on Day 1, when those who failed to see the need for speed with porkulus, or for legislators and constituents to read a 1000 page bill before it was signed, were demonized. The President builds the perception of crisis in healthcare. He fiddles as the government consumes 46% of GDP, his minions develop plans for more governement spending and unemployment is at 9.5% and headed north.

VP Biden told us this week that "We have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt." There is no other description, while entertaining, the VP is an imbecile, the court jester who regularly creates media distractions for the President. The President, however, is a conniving liar. He will spare no deception or duplicity in attempting to build a consensus that the root of all evil in America is our useless, wasteful medical system. Does this President like anything about this country? Re this miserable medical system of ours, will the President be flying to Italy for his healthcare, as the Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi flew to the Cleveland Clinic for care of his cardiac condition? Will the President be the first to sign on for the “government option” which will offer consumers so much choice? I think we know the answers. Teddy Kennedy flew to Duke University for treatment of his advanced brain cancer.

Memo to any of the 47 million uninsured who have brain cancer: Taxpayer funded trips to Duke University for the most advanced medical care will only be approved for "treasured" politcal VIPs. Generally consideration will only be given to liberal misogynists who have lived a life demonstrating absolute contempt for the common man. Lest your friends refer to you as a "Lion of the Senate", chances are you will be taking a number with everyone else. Last Canadian time check shows that the MRI you need will be scheduled in 110 days! The good news is that by the time Obamacare diagnoses and begins treatment for your condition flying to Duke would only be necessary if the University's historic Maplewood cemtery is your final resting place.

“A bankruptcy occurs every thirty seconds occurs as a result of American healthcare costs.” Lie. “My plan will allow for greater choice and competition.” Lie. “My plan will save money.” The Congressional Budget Office weighed in on this two days ago. Lie. America has embarrassing infant mortality rates.” Only if you fail to account for the counting and care we give the most fragile of infants, extremely low birth weigh newborns not even considered as live by most nations. So, another lie. America has unacceptable life expectancy rates given the money we spend on healthcare.” If one considers violent deaths (mainly a result of 50 years of Great Society liberal do-gooding experimentation in our inner cities) and car accidents, we top the world in life expectancy. More lies.

“Government programs have far less administrative cost than private programs.” Medicare, Medicaid and Tricare put all the administrative costs back on to the hospital or facility. In addition, the government spends relatively little time and money in trying to prevent fraud and abuse. In the end hospitals charge private payers more because they have to make up losses on the government side, which is…yes, 50% of the current system. “At least 47,000,000 are without insurance.” A half lie. The inference is that these people are without healthcare. No one is without healthcare in this country. See EMTALA and the legal requirement to treat anyone who walks into an emergency room. However, the 47,000,000 without “insurance” are one third illegal aliens and one third are individuals who could afford insurance if it was a priority for them. That leaves approximately 12-15,000,000 who truly are unable to get the insurance they need. That’s less than 4% of a population of 305 million. For this we need to nationalize 17% of our nation's $14 trillion economy and change the current care that 89% like? Surely there are other solutions, but not when its “now or never.” If the President’s lips are moving and healthcare is mentioned, he is not telling the whole story.

Well, we all know Americans support Big Pharmaceutical Companies committed to one thing and one thing only, profit. Other governments, however, have tamed the pharma monster. Sure. Has the President told us, as a result of regulation and safety requirements, that it currently costs a drug company $1 Billion to bring a drug to market? Has he mentioned that only 0.1% of new drugs actually make it to market and this process takes 10 years? This is asking a lot, but how about our fearless leader telling America that just as we are the only free nation left in the world willing to defend itself and its allies, we are also in a league of our own in developing new drugs and medical technology? Americans pay the freight because we can. Want to get tough Mr. President, tell our freedom loving foreign friends, if any remain, that the time has come for them to pay the bill not only in national defense but in healthcare research. The President believes the solution for healthcare is to build on his successes in revitalizing the American auto industry. More lies. Big lies.

The push for government control of your healthcare system is on. Even reasonable citizens will have a hard time voting for less government when your healthcare is completely state run. If you ever cared about anything, you should care about this. If the President rams through “healthcare reform”, more properly called “healthcare destruction”, by his artificial and mandated August 7th deadline, your life and the lives of generation of your family members, will be irrevocably changed.

One might ask why such a short time frame to make such a monumental decision? Well, if citizens, and more importantly voters, had time to really consider this issue and think about their healthcare being directed by the same folks who run the DMV, public schools, and screen your bags at the airport, you might want to consider other options. Crisis, diversion, deceit, lack of transparency and complacency on the part of the American citizenry are the only ways this Machiavellian power grab can occur.

There are two hopes here. Even if united in opposition, the Republican party will not be able to derail this freight train. There is hope in the possibility that the American electorate will wake from the change and hope stupor. There is also hope that sensible, thoughtful patriots remain in the Democratic party. As of this week there appear to be some Dem lawmakers willing to break the Obama-Reid-Pelosi omerta. These supposedly centrist, fiscally conservative Democrats are the "blue dogs". It is refreshing to know that there may be some on the Dem side of the aisle who have not succumbed to the pressure to completely sell their souls and who have begun to appreciate the true intentions of the Obama administration. The last patriots left in the Democratic party can be reached through the Captiol switch board or their web sites. If emailing be sure to use a return address from their district on the contact form, otherwise your message will not be accepted.

Capitol switchboard is 202-224-3121:

Reps. John Barrow (D-Ga.)
Bart Gordon (D-Tenn.)
Baron Hill (D-Ind.)
Jim Matheson (D-Utah)
Charlie Melancon (D-La.)
Mike Ross (D-Ark.)
Zack Space (D-Ohio)

As we have watched the development of a system of thirty plus “czars” put in place by the President, with no funding accountability and no oversight, these Democrats appear to be poised to rise and provide the infusion of courage which will be required for this nation to resist its current descent into socialism.

As for our part, we the citizens need to be letting our representatives know how we feel about a takeover of one of the great American industries, healthcare, by the federal government. Visit, call or email your representatives, in that order. Also contact the “blue dog” Democrats willing to consider defying their liberal masters in DC. These individuals are listed with their office contact numbers.

For those of you who are more visually inclined, if you doubt that the inefficiencies that exist in some areas of our current health care system could ever be worse, try this on for size:

To the parapets. Let your representatives hear you. Fill their waiting rooms, flood their servers, burn up their phone lines, shut down the switchboards. The socialists are still coming!

Quaere Verum

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