In what appears to be your weekly prime time event Sir, you educated us all on waterboarding. "What I have said, and I will repeat, is that waterboarding violates our ideals and our values," Mr. Obama said. "I do believe that it is torture. I do not think that is just my opinion; that is the opinion of many who have examined the topic. And that is why I put an end to these practices."
A few questions Mr. President:
1. We annually waterboard thousands of our own troops in training. The techniques and limits we use in training are the same as those that have been applied to captured jihadists whose mission is to kill innocent Americans en masse. Waterboarding is uncomfortable and can be terrifying for some, but is conducted in a manner in which there is never a risk of death, disfigurement, injury or scars. Can this truly be called torture?
2. It sounds like we are banning waterboarding of captured jihadists Sir. Will we continue to waterboard American troops in training?
3. While you direct the traitorous Kabuki dance over defining torture Sir, could you remind Americans of your outrage over the deaths of PFC Kristian Menchaca and PFC Thomas Tucker? We missed it. These brave American infantrymen were captured defending a forward outpost near the town of Youssifiyah, south of Baghdad, in 2006. A week later their mutilated, defiled and beheaded bodies were discovered. The maiming included eyes being gouged out as well as genital mutilation. Well, that was an unfortunate case. Perhaps Mr. President you might reference your fury over the ambush of American contractors in Fallujah in 2004. Their vehicle was riddled with bullets. It is unclear whether the contractors were alive or dead at that point but they were dragged from their vehicle. Their bodies were then burned, hacked, mutilated and then two of the charred bodies were hung from a bridge across the Euphrates.
If waterboarding is torture Mr. President, what term of the lexicon describes this savagery? Do you seriously believe demonic Jihaidsts have been pushed to this point because we waterboarded three high value Jihadi operatives? Are you actually suggesting that enemies bent on our destruction, who kill indiscriminately, derive their motivation from our use of waterboarding vice sleep deprivation or 6 hours in a cell with a life insurance salesman as an enhanced interrogation technique?
4. In your weekly prime time event Sir, you commented on abortion:
"I think that those who are pro-choice make a mistake when they - if they suggest - and I don't want to create straw men here, but I think there are some who suggest that this is simply an issue about women's freedom and that there's no other considerations. I think, look, this is an issue that people have to wrestle with and families and individual women have to wrestle with," Obama continued.
4. In your weekly prime time event Sir, you commented on abortion:
"I think that those who are pro-choice make a mistake when they - if they suggest - and I don't want to create straw men here, but I think there are some who suggest that this is simply an issue about women's freedom and that there's no other considerations. I think, look, this is an issue that people have to wrestle with and families and individual women have to wrestle with," Obama continued.
Let me see if I have this right. Waterboarding, a procedure designed to produce transient fear and discomfort with no risk of death, which may lead to the reporting of vital information which could save hundreds or thousands of lives, is “torture”. Abortion is a procedure which sentences an unborn infant to death. It is occasionally preceded by stabbing a needle through the unborn infants chest into the heart to administer potassium chloride, dismemberment, excruciating pain, and in the case of older unborns a scissors is jammed through the infants skull and the brain suctioned out prior to delivery. This procedure is not torture but, "is a moral issue and an ethical issue." Thank you Sir, that clarifies things a bit.
Sir, would it be possible that you consider the following: How about we keep waterboarding safe, legal and rare and we call abortion torture?
5. It seems to me that there is much commonality between the fate of the American soldier captured by Jihadists and an unborn infant whose mother has entered a Planned Parenthood Clinic. Conversely, murderous Jihadists know they will never be killed and that there are strict rules of engagement which cover even the laughable practice of waterboarding. The Isalmofascist monsters we face have witnessed the angst caused by an Abu Ghraib and the silence over the barbaric murders of fallen American heroes. The enemy knows that the American liberal majority is so self-loathing of America that words do not even exist to describe the tactics they employ in attempting to obtain information or simply defile American service men and women.
5. It seems to me that there is much commonality between the fate of the American soldier captured by Jihadists and an unborn infant whose mother has entered a Planned Parenthood Clinic. Conversely, murderous Jihadists know they will never be killed and that there are strict rules of engagement which cover even the laughable practice of waterboarding. The Isalmofascist monsters we face have witnessed the angst caused by an Abu Ghraib and the silence over the barbaric murders of fallen American heroes. The enemy knows that the American liberal majority is so self-loathing of America that words do not even exist to describe the tactics they employ in attempting to obtain information or simply defile American service men and women.
President Obama, is torture, narrowly and ludicrously defined by you to include methods which manipulate fear and anxiety, something only Americans are capable of committing? The rationale that ending waterboarding will improve treatment of our troops when captured by the enemy, now primarily rogue nations and non-state actors, induces laughter amongst American troops. Every American soldier knows he or she would rather die than be captured by our enemies in the bad war in Iraq or the good war now in Afghanistan.
6. You have released memos detailing enhanced interrogation techniques rarely used by American interrogators on high value Jihadi leaders. What actually resulted from these interrogations Sir? Is it true that information obtained from Khalid Sheik Mohammad averted attacks on Los Angeles and the Brooklyn Bridge? Will you declassify the memos that detail the information obtained during these waterboarding sessions?
7. Sir, please instruct your staff to stop intermingling the rights of American citizens and the Geneva Convention into discussions related to the three Al Qaeda members waterboarded. These individuals were not uniformed combatants, are not American citizens and have no right to the protections offered by the Geneva Convention or the Constitution.
6. You have released memos detailing enhanced interrogation techniques rarely used by American interrogators on high value Jihadi leaders. What actually resulted from these interrogations Sir? Is it true that information obtained from Khalid Sheik Mohammad averted attacks on Los Angeles and the Brooklyn Bridge? Will you declassify the memos that detail the information obtained during these waterboarding sessions?
7. Sir, please instruct your staff to stop intermingling the rights of American citizens and the Geneva Convention into discussions related to the three Al Qaeda members waterboarded. These individuals were not uniformed combatants, are not American citizens and have no right to the protections offered by the Geneva Convention or the Constitution.
Congratulations sir. The memories of PFCs Tucker and Menchaca, brutalized as they experienced real torture and gave their lives for their country, are banished as we ring our hands over KSM taking a bath. Another generation of Americans would be ashamed, but instead we celebrate our commitment to "our ideals and values". We have abetted one more victory our enemies could never have achieved on their own. Your deft manipulation of the self-loathing and suicidal tendencies of the Western left, while serving your immediate political purposes, has set a course for crisis which even Joe Biden's formidable imagination is incapable of comprehending.
Quaere Verum
He won't release any information aboout himself but instead releases government secrets of the Bush administratin. At least Bush loves America. B.O. should be ashamed of himself - I know I am ashamed of him.
Waterboarding constitutes aggravated assault.