I really missed the memo. So did the other 2000 people at my local tea party. My 13 and 11 year old holding the signs we made from the poster board bought at Staples that afternoon helped me push the stroller with the baby around road work to get to the state capitol. We were walking next to other moms with babies, dads with toddlers on their shoulders, guys on motorcycles, minivans of boy scouts, some retired veterans, some in business suits stepping out of the office at the end of the day to join us.
Most of the participants would benefit from a tax cut on the middle class. So why would they be at the tea party protesting taxes on "the rich"? Because we know that tax slogan is a fallacy. If you pay a utility bill, if you buy gas, if you use a telephone or cell phone,if you (God forbid) smoke, or consume alcohol: your taxes are going up! That sounds like middle class to me. If my husband succeeds in his business he will eventually move us into the $250,000 tax bracket. We had hoped at one time that the day would come... what is our incentive now? An extreme liberal relative (Obama supporter)complained to me the other day that she received a bonus check but such a large portion of the bonus was taken in tax that she will have to wait a year to get it back in her return. I wanted to say "why do you want it back"? Don't other's need that money? Isn't it going to important programs, necessary bailouts, mortage foreclosures? But more importantly, please notice that even the most loyal Obama supporter or tax and spend liberal does not like it when it is THEIR money taken. Its easy to take it from the "rich".
Nancy Pelosi, there was a time when our leaders would not disparage the average American for expressing their peaceful opinion. But now we find ourselves in an age when the first female Speaker of the House will disparage some of the taxpaying citizens and VOTERS of the country as mindless drones organized and paid for by the rich elite.
You dear lady are the mindless drone. You represent the worst of the rich elite and 'entitled'. And You put the ASS in Astro-turf.
I suppose we'll be eating cake, Nancy?